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Symptoms of a corrupted table are usually accidental interruption of inquiry and you can see the example of these errors:

* tbl_name.frm locked can not be changed.

* can not find the file tbl_name.MYI (Errcode: # # #).

* from table processors get the wrong # # # (in this case, the error 135 is an exception).

* unexpected end of file.

* log file to be destroyed.

In these cases, you have to repair the table. myisamchk can usually detect and fix most things wrong.

repair process involves up to four stages, described below. Before you begin, you should cd to the database directory and file permissions checklist to ensure that they can be run mysqld for Unix users to read (and you, because you need to access the file you are checking). If it refuses to modify your files, they must be written by you.

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run myisamchk *. MYI or (myisamchk-e *. MYI, if you have more time). Use-s (silent) option against unnecessary information.

you have to repair only those myisamchk reported an error table. On this table,YSL pump, continue to the simple and safe repair.

If you check,jordan shoes, you get strange errors (such as out of memory error), or if myisamchk crashes, try the repair difficult.

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First, try myisamchk-r-q tbl_name (-r-q means quick recovery pattern). This will attempt to repair the data file does not touch the index file. If the data file contains everything it should have data files and remove the connection point to the right place, this should be useful and forms can be repaired. Begin repairs next table. Otherwise, use the following procedure:

1. In the data file before continuing to do a backup.

2. Use myisamchk-r tbl_name (-r means recovery mode). This will remove the incorrect data file records and the records have been deleted and re-index file.

3. If the previous step fails, use myisamchk safe-recover tbl_name. Safe Recovery mode uses an old recovery method to deal with regular recovery mode does not work a few cases (but slower).

If the repair, you get strange errors (such as out of memory error),Chanel Handbags, or if myisamchk crashes, try the repair difficult.

difficult to repair

index file if the first 16K block is damaged, or contains incorrect information, or if the index file is missing, you should only be the case. In this case, create a new index file is necessary. To do so as follows:

1. To move data files more secure place.

2. Use the table description file to create new (empty) data and index files:

shell> mysql db_name

mysql> DELETE FROM tbl_name;

mysql> quit

3. the old Data files are copied to the newly created data document. (Do not just back to the old file into the new file; you want to keep a copy in case something goes wrong.)

Back to simple, safe repair. Now myisamchk-r-q should work. (This should not be an infinite loop).

very difficult to repair

only description files were destroyed, you should reach this stage before. This should never happen, because the table is created after the descriptor is no longer changed.

1. from a description of file backup and recovery and return to the difficulties of repair. You can also restore the index file and return to the simple and safe repair. The latter, you should start with myisamchk-r.

2. If you do not have a backup but know exactly how the table was created in another database,adidas shoes, create a copy of the table. Remove the new data file, and then from the other database and index files to describe the destruction of the database. This gives you new description and index files, data files, but let alone stay. Back to the simple and safe repair and try to rebuild the index file.more articles

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